Apologies to all who tried to register for our new and free introductory course (Becoming an Accent and Pronunciation Instructor – The ILP Approach) over the past few weeks. A new user registration system was implemented during the month of August, and the implementation did not go as smoothly as expected. The bugs and quirks have all been worked out, however, and registration for this course, as well as our core certification course, is now open and functioning properly.

PLEASE NOTE: To get in on the free course, you must first register (for free) as a user for this site. You’ll find the Register page link in the Courses menu, and you can get there right from here.

Where are the other courses?

If you’re familiar with our offerings, you might have noticed the absence of our other courses Marketing Essentials, and Getting Started in Independent Training and Consulting. They will be returning before the end of September.